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Razas de Perros grandes

BIG DOG BREEDS We review giant breeds of dogs that require special care according to their size. Discover 10 of the best known giant dog breeds.   Dogo Alemán o Gran Danés The German bulldog is a large strong dog, hence the name Dogge, a term that was formerly used to refer to large and strong dogs of any breed. It can measure up to 80 cm. tall and weigh around 70 kg., even 80 kg. in the case of some copies. Dogo de Burdeos One of the oldest French dog breeds and its origin is in the Oriental mastiff dogs that arrived in Europe. They are characterized by being muscular, strong, powerful and athletic. Dogo argentino A large dog breed that arises from the crossing of several breeds such as the Boxer, Bulldog and Great Dane Its creator is an Argentine doctor who was looking for the perfect hunting dog. San Bernardo The San Bernardo has its origin in the Swiss Alps, where their ancestors were dedicat...

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